Tag Archives: migration

YMCA Sponsors Canadian Geese Migration

An initial training run was done in the Canadian Geese Migration Alliance airspace early Friday afternoon.

An initial training run was done in the Canadian Geese Migration Alliance airspace early Friday afternoon.

The flying ‘V’ formation of Canadian geese has been a signature sign of bird migration to the southern United States and northern Mexico between September and November. However, sponsorship deal talks between the YMCA and the Canadian Geese Migration Alliance commenced Thursday morning, and changes may be on the horizon. Details of the proposal were made public by YMCA’s VP of Marketing, Meghan Reddick, and outline the possibility of a ‘sponsored migration,’ come Fall 2014.

“Our organization has experienced a great deal of success in the North American market for many years. Recently, we have noticed that membership subscribers are on the decline and we hope that by promoting YMCA through a Canadian icon we may be able to gain back some of our customers,” said Reddick in a press release held shortly after the announcement.

The proposal outlines changing the traditional ‘V’ formation into a sponsored ‘YMCA’ formation (see picture above).  There has been an outcry from Canadian residents who feel that this “manipulation of nature is unjust and unruly.”

Beatrice Olsen, an avid backyard bird-watcher and self-proclaimed Goose Geek had this to say: “It’s downright upsetting to see this beautiful bird migration fall into the hands of advertisers. It makes me question the organization and what it really thinks about Canada.” Adding, “I don’t even understand how the birds are going to know how to form the letters. How is a goose expected to make a ‘C’ or ‘M’?”

Reddick has addressed this concern and assures disgruntled Canadians that the sponsorship is done within the Canadian Geese Migration Alliance standards regarding training and treatment of the birds, saying that “the birds should only require 2-3 hours of additional training per week on taxpayer dollars.”